Entry Hall ( looking from front door)*note* Pepto Pink.. Lovely choice of color.
Also note this is the wall paper didn't want to come off the walls,and made me a true disbeliever in all the store bought paper removal solutions and systems.
Living room to sun room ( left)
to dining (right) Yep, it really is Pink Carpet.
Dining Room See that moldy moisture spot to the left.
Yes, anything like that means, whole walls have to be removed and re-built.
Including replacing the interior workings of the double hung windows.
Keep that in mind for future projects.
Main Hall back to front, then front to back.
-The carpet was really dirtier than shown in the pics.
-The wallpaper covered the well known Pepto Pink.
-Why would anyone place sconces on the moulding?
-Lovely drapes covering the washer/dryer area.
(To date... no doors added to wash dry area)
Front Bedroom. "That is a Groovy light fixture, dude."
We sold it at the yard sale and the lady was going to paint it red.
Dining Room.Why are there bricks on the hearth? Is that blob near the hearth the reason Puppy won't go in this room?
Living RoomWow what a mirror! and it was PLASTIC !!! We were so lucky it came with the house.
Note* The mirror was not glued to the wall. It was hung on a nail and they painted around it. See the pink peeping through underneath. It went well with the pink carpet. See the logs crammed in the coal burning fireplace. They plugged in and had a red light bulb inside. Lucky Again !!! That is a bug bomb on the vent.
I insisted the former owner to set those off before he left.
Half BathNote* Each door in the house had a dead bolt lock.
Middle BedroomI forgot about the top layer of wallpaper. Two other layers were underneath.
Why was stuff left in the drawer? This is the cabinet, when removed revealed a fireplace and the infamous hearth the fell to the basement.
Back BedroomShowing the carpet that was over the vinyl that was over heart pine floors.
BathLast Cleaned in 1989. The black stuff around the sink was facial hair ( Maybe?) where the dude shaved.
Many Thanks go out to Mom, Aunt Lynne, and Marlene who cleaned this room before it was demolished for re-building. We were able to use it for a while, while we were here working. Then it became a hole in the floor for 3 months, complete with a ladder providing quick access to the basement.
I've saved the best for last.....
Words really won't describe the status of this room. It is best described using guttural noises. Go ahead, give it a try.....EEUUGHH, EeeeE, Augh!!! UGH. Notes* That is cat food left for the cat he left here for two weeks. I told P.O. "Puppy hates cats". Thankfully, the trap provided by the animal shelter caught the cat before Puppy. I am not sure what the trails of splatter goo are on the floor and carpet. Did I tell you, This room made me gag. There was a pot left on the stove that had something black inside. Shout outs go to Uncle Irv, who helped take down the cabinets and 'hawl them to the street. In the pic showing the pantry, there is a door above that was full of beer cans. Beer cans were in most of the hollows in the home.