Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Flash Back Friday...
If this post finds you filled up to your eyeballs with Turkey....
Pockets Empty from shopping...
and ready for a break from it all.....
I thought I would share a short favorite post from a find back in May.
So HERE it Is........
"Lucky Dogs = Lucky People"
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I am thankful....
I am thankful for a house over my head...
A Wonderful and Healthy family....Helpful Friends....Food to eat...
I like the cranberry sauce that is shaped like the can........
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Larry over at Simpson's Folly tagged me over a week ago asking for 7 book facts about me.
Since I have been short on time lately........I am cheating.
If I say that I am that really cheating since at this point ya'll all know that I am cheating? And since this really is not a test or taxes I guess it just really would not be cheating at all, anyway........
A few months back I posted a little synopsis of some of the books around ThirteenEleven. I grew up in a book family. My father's library (an enclosed garage) was piled high with books. Row after row, shelf after shelf, pile after pile. Books...Books...Books.... So.......Of course there are just a couple of books around ThirteenEleven.
The book that I am currently reading is Tom Franklin's Smonk.
Tom writes about the area in South Alabama where my grandfather's grandfather settled....."back in the day." ( I borrowed the book from Papa Joe...Thank you)
CLICK HERE. If you missed the first post on "Oh....All those Books...."
And if you wanna play this tag....consider yourself tagged and post about your books or 7 book facts about you.
Also make sure you check out Simpson's Folly, where you can read all about Larry and Annette's adventure in fixin' up their Edwardian Foursquare in Kansas.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Won't You Be My neighbor?
Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

All of these beauties are 4 sale with in walking distance of ThirteenEleven.
I bake good pies, even if I don't have kitchen cabinets. I give away garden veggies. I have pretty flowers, but my lawn guy doesn't like to do lawns, so sometimes we have tall grass.
( He also kills lawn mowers. We went through 3 this season. Another post, another day.)
This earworm of a song goes out to..........Renovation Therapy. You'll thank me later.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sunday Walk: Open House...
I saw the open house sign and I had to go since.....
I love this house. Remember. (click)
Original Fireplaces....check....
original windows and staircases.....check.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
What's been going on...
Just a quick update on some of the things going on around ThirteenEleven.
Basically we are getting ready for our first frost and winter.
Last week we had a couple of very cool days and a threat of frost.
We harvested the rest of the tomatoes, eggplant and okra.
Now my window sills are full of green tomatoes.
We turned the garden spot and planted collard, turnip and mustard greens.
I cut all the Zinnias and made an arrangement I could enjoy inside.
We have been caulking, filling holes, and making sure the heat is in working order. I bought a carbon monoxide detector, which I should have had last year.... oops......
I have been very busy with work, which is good. Meetings every Tuesday and Thursday with a client for a huge project that will be installed in March. With two hour meetings twice a week, I find that the rest of the time is spend recovering from meetings and getting ready for meetings.
I am very thankful every day that I am busy.
Friday, November 7, 2008
A Warm Colorful Day....
As it whispers, "Winter is near;"