Monday, April 7, 2008

Yellow Finch Wallpaper...

You know I am not a fan of wallpaper, after scraping, and scraping, and scraping, and scraping for months. Really months. The foyer, the dining room, and the hall.
Remember this? I do.

I haven't scraped the final layers off the middle bedroom. I really, really want to take of the old layer of wallboard, down to the plaster, then the wallpaper will come off with the wallboard.

Truthfully, I pretend the middle bedroom doesn't exist. I keep the door closed.

(That pic is old. See, the hall is still pink, it did coordinate with this layer of wallpaper in the bedroom. We really use the room to store trim, baseboards, the kitchen cabinets, still not finished. Chris's Drums, boxes, paint, tools, brushes, and so on. I guess we could say it is our staging room. That sounds nice and all. )

However, I am a fan of pattern. Good pattern. Creative Pattern. Historic pattern. Maybe that comes from the days, as a youngster, I worked for a carpet designer. She taught me so much about pattern. She also spent years restoring a fantastic Victorian House in town. ( I need pics of that house.) Who knows maybe that rubbed off a little as well. Her sister was my 6th grade teacher, and one of my cousins went out with her other sister's daughter. Or maybe they were just friends? (You know --small town)

While blog surfing the other day, I found a wallpaper website. Ooooohhhh! the patterns.

Historic patterns.

Adelphi Paper Hangings looks to be a great source for historic handmade wallpaper.

Looks like a yellow finch to me..

You can see similar patterns to this and this color way is just about any clothing store this spring. It is yellow hot. I am loving all the yellows mixed with blacks, and greys in fashion right now.

At one time there was a slight delay between the colors you see in fashion at clothing stores and when it turned up in interiors. But today, the merchandisers really have to be at the top of their game. There is little to no delay in the trends moving from clothing to interiors.

Look at West Elm. The current catalogue is full of the hot yellows. In order to have those products in the stores, they had to be specked out, ordered, manufactured and shipped out months and months ago.

Also look at this great post. Showing the yellows and blacks, and grays.

Who knows? All the yellow bombardment may have told my little voice to tell me to go with yellow for the door.

I just don't think I could install wallpaper anywhere after all that scraping. But if I did, a handmade block printed paper would be so much better than that vinyl stuff.


Sandy said...

Hi, Jenni! I'm not a big fan of wallpaper, but I kind of like that yellow finch wallpaper. It's kind of neat.

I am guessing you don't have much time to read; but if you do, I would like to invite you to a book tag. See my blog for details.

goddessof4 said...

I like the pattern of the yellow wall paper.Have you ever looked at the brocade catalog?They use very ornate wall paper and it looks so extravagant .I tend to paint a lot ,I get bored after a few years so I don't think I would wallpaper a whole room,maybe one wall.

Amalie said...

Ooooohhh. Pretty.

I'm not sure I can be much more articulate than that. I've only spent a matter of hours on one small patch of wallpaper, but by extrapolation, that should be enough for me to hate it.

But yellow finches are lovely.

Jennifer said...

So you are ahead of your time!

It IS a nice pattern... but I don't know that I could bear to put up more than an accent wall of ANY wallpaper!

Jen said...

I don't think of it as ahead of the time. I think of it as coping the trends.

No, I tend to change my taste a lot as well. So wallpaper would be very difficult for my space.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous paper. EVERY room of my house had wallpaper. I'm tempted to do a single wall...but keep thinking about all that work...

Joanne said...

Thank God I don't have any wallpaper to peel at the new place; I had to pull down enough of it at my mom's house over the last few years. Still, I do like high end wallpaper borders. Just a little deco-ish trim at the top of a room that won't be so brutal to remove later.

Anonymous said...

Hi. FYI, use a good base such as Zinsers wallpaper primer and sizing. It's a white primer that you put on before you wallpaper. When it's time to remove wallpaper, do NOT use a scoring device, just wet with hot water and a sponge 2 or 3 times then peel. Hit the paper base with the same hot water and peel off-, usually in whole sheets.

Also,looks like Yellow Bird of Paradise... notice the plume on top of it's head.